If God Can Use Me, He Can Use Anyone


 Many of us would say it takes guts and a little bit of crazy to step toe-to-toe with a powerful, 1,700 pound bull. For Air Force Officer and Hall-of-Fame bullfighter, Jeremy Sparks, it took faith and a calling from God.


“Readers looking for inspiration (or just a great story) will discover a wild ride that proves just how twisty some paths to Christ can be.”
— Publisher's Weekly


About Jeremy

Jeremy Sparks is a retired Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association member, Air Force officer, Hall of Fame Bullfighter and author of Go West - 10 Principles That Guided My Cowboy Journey.

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A Cowboys Calling

Sparks recounts the western way of life, his death-defying journey to the Hall-of-Fame, and the Cowboy Principles that kept him grounded in his faith. 

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